Peaks and Valleys
Peaks and Valleys wins Book of the Year Award
Being prideful is a vice and a sin that I am quite skilled at and highly aware of. In my younger years, I could often be heard saying, “Darn, I’m good” over some success. As we grew up, my sisters were often less than thrilled with my cocky attitude and know-it-all demeanor. They, I am … Continue reading
Lessons from Old Women – part four – Mary Jane
First off, let me begin this week with a disclaimer. Mary Jane is not an “Old Woman” in any way than that she is (a bit) older than I am. Please, Dear Mary Jane, do not be offended with the title! 🙂 I’ve blogged a bit about Mary Jane Cozzens before. In brief, I was … Continue reading
The Ferris-Haggarty Mine
Last Sunday, I got to go to one of my favorite places in the world – the ghost town of Dillon and the Ferris-Haggarty Mine. If you’ve looked at the pictures in my gallery on this website, or if you’ve read Mountain Time and/or Peaks and Valleys (which I hope you have!), then you know … Continue reading
Friendship is an odd phenomenon. My friend Terrie Ann and I have been friends since we were in first grade together. In the years since we graduated from high school, we hardly ever talk and rarely see each other. We keep contact enough, though, through the years so that I still consider her dear. I … Continue reading
Imaginary Friends
When I was very little, I had two imaginary friends. Their names were Georgie and Boo-Boo, and according to the stories my two older sisters tell, my two friends and I were the source of a great deal of aggravation and embarrassment. It seems I insisted on talking to them, holding doors and waiting for … Continue reading