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Monthly Archives: September 2018

Leaving the Mainland

Did you miss me?  I haven’t blogged in a couple of weeks, we’ve been too busy enjoying our last few days on the mainland before we head home to St. Croix.  It’s always an interesting transition, we love being in Wyoming so it’s sad to be leaving while we are also ready to get home … Continue reading »

Categories: Gypsy life | Leave a comment

Lyric lightness

I will readily admit that I misconstrue and misquote and garble the lyrics to songs on a regular basis.  Actually, I do so without remorse or an inclination to change the error of my ways. Hillary and Sam used to tease me about it. Karl corrects me. It doesn’t matter, if I’m not sure of … Continue reading »

Categories: Random thoughts on being me, Uncategorized | Leave a comment