This will be my first winter in three years. Since 2016, winter for me has consisted of lows of 72-75 degrees and water temperature of 82. Once in a while I had to put on a long-sleeved shirt in the evening. Even more rarely I had to sleep under a blanket.
Now we’re in Wyoming and it’s October. Winter is stalking us, toying with us, taunting us with chilly nights and crisp breezes. On Friday, the wind began howling right after sunset. As the dark fell, the velocity rose – to fifty mph or higher gusts and sustained winds at about 45.
Please remember that since April, Karl and I have been living in a camp trailer. Let me be clear, trying to sleep in a trailer that is being buffeted by in a 50-mile-an-hour wind is not an easy task. Karl, Shoot the Kitty, and I hunkered down together under the covers and held on for dear life. We survived, but now, the weather forecast is claiming that the low temp this coming Wednesday night will be 19 degrees. Nineteen! That’s 13 degrees BELOW freezing. Our trailer is nice, but it isn’t an all-season unit, and while the furnace works well, the chance of freezing pipes and our noses at 19 degrees is a real possibility.
We are not completely done with the remodel of our house. The kitchen doesn’t have a counter or sink and the woodwork isn’t installed. The wood floors need one more coat of sealer. (Joyously, Karl hung the interior doors this week and finished the bathroom on Friday, though!) Because of the number 19, what’s undone doesn’t matter. Tuesday, we are moving out of our trailer (and making sure it’s well winterized), and into our house! Yay!