I walked into the kitchen the other day and laughed aloud. The dish drainer caught my eye, tickling me with how perfectly the elements drying on it epitomizes life with Karl. I am just as apt to spy a joint compound pan and its companion knives drying on the kitchen counter as I am a spatula, a rolling pin, or a spring-form pan. On this day, he spent the morning taping and then putting the first coat of ‘mud’ on the new wall he is building for my sewing room/laundry room in the basement. While he was waiting for the joint compound to dry, he came upstairs and made a Charlotte Royal. It’s a dessert he’d seen on The Great British Baking Show and decided to try. It turned out absolutely scrumptious, and by the way, the basement wall (now finished and painted) looks marvy, too.
I suppose I could be annoyed at the oddities that show up in our dish drainer, but that’s just not how we roll. You know already that I love my husband dearly. I so admire his ability to persevere when things are tough, and his willingness to use all the facets of creativity that God has gifted him with. Every morning he gets up and faces his day (and me, which isn’t always an easy task!) with faith and determination to use the day God’s given him the best he can.