Richard Dawkins is a British evolutionary biologist and, in the world’s estimation, a highly respected scientist and professor. He is, perhaps, most well-known for his outspoken atheism. Dawkins has been a loud voice for atheists and scientists for many decades. In his 2006 book called The God Delusion, Dawkins claimed that a supernatural creator ‘almost certainly’ does not exist and that religion is a delusion. He went so far as to say “Religion is capable of driving people to such dangerous folly that faith seems to me to qualify as a kind of mental illness.”
Since Dawkins relies solely on science and what can be scientifically proven, his stance is that there is no proof for God’s existence.
On Easter Sunday, Dawkins was a guest on a British radio station called LBC with host Rachel Johnson. The focus of the interview was Johnson’s desire to hear Dawkin’s views on the dwindling influence of Christianity and the rise of Islam in Britain. In addressing the question, Dawkins described himself as a “cultural Christian” and asserted that “I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos.” Though careful to voice that he does not “believe a single word of the Christian faith” he went on in the interview to expound how he appreciates how Christianity advances community, security, and prosperity for all people and that living in a Christian country is much preferable to living in an Islamic one. He described Christianity as a “Fundamentally decent religion… in Africa for example where you have missionaries of both faiths, I’m on team Christian.”
The interview is interesting in that while he continued to call the beliefs of Christianity nonsense, Dawkins had no trouble identifying the way that God’s influence on believers shapes the values and behavior of the society in which it is prevalent.
It’s ironic that Dawkins has rejected the existence of God because he can’t prove that existence, yet he himself acknowledges that the God’s influence on His followers emits goodness and behaviors that he himself values. Isn’t that proof?
For more read: “World Famous atheist loves attributes of Christian faith he loves to mock” by Parrish Alford, American Family News April 2, 2024 and watch the Dawkins interview on YouTube:
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