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Posted by on January 28, 2025

I stepped out of my truck yesterday, in the garage, and hit a slick of ice. Both feet went flying and I came down hard as my left hip made contact with the truck’s running board. Dang. That hurt. Took my breath away for a moment. My fanny hurt all day. When I got dressed for bed last night, I expected a humongous bruise to mark the spot. Nope. Nothing.

I feel cheated. Not that I would be showing it to anyone, but I feel like I deserve to have a token for my trouble. There should be hues of blue and black in a banner across that cheek as a talisman to my near-death experience and the pain that has lingered. 😉

Pain is like that, I guess. Be it a bruise on your back side, a broken heart, or a difficult diagnosis. Some pain leaves an outward mark, most pain doesn’t. It’s a reminder to me to treat others tenderly, since we don’t know where they are hurting.

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