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Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by on November 24, 2012

It’s a shame to have only one day a year set aside for thankfulness.  Even during hard times, we have way more to be thankful for than we can name or that we take time to recognize.  I can easily name the blessings that I most cherish:  that Jesus died for me, my husband Karl, my children and grandchildren, my home, having a good and secure job that I love, my health.  The list sounds pretty trite and run-of-the-mill even though it is a true list.  But now I want to take a minute to be thankful for ten of the unsung and mostly unnoticed blessings of my life:

cinnamon bears – it’s amazing the amount of joy I feel when I bite the head off an unsuspecting bear!

roses – I’m fairly certain that I’m given a tiny touch of heaven when I see and smell one.

shoe laces- I love the way my feel feel when they are laced up securely in a pair of well-worn shoes.

tumbleweeds- windy days become a special festival with a never-ending parade of tumbleweeds dancing by.

shooting stars -so quick, so random, such a radiant surprise.

deer – there’s a family of deer that live near here.  The buck has a nice antler – for whatever reason he only has one.  I always feel like I’ve been given a gift when I see them.

mint – mint leaves are such a pure green color.  Their smell is cool and relaxing.  They aren’t bad in mojitos, either 🙂

flannel sheets – warm and inviting, they snuggle me as I nest in for the night.

giggling – either doing it myself or listening to someone else, it’s pure pleasure.

turtles – they are so stoic and calm no matter what.








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